Disciplinatha by Cosimo Palermo

Disciplinatha by Cosimo Palermo
Dress the evolution… #fashion #people

Provocative, avant-garde and iconic apparel, art is becoming useful.

giovedì 23 novembre 2023

Un governo stile pistola a salve.....


Poteva andare peggio, voglio dire, gli olandesi hanno votato strategicamente, contro il sistema, dando il potere a nessuno. Bisogna dire che il sistema olandese è un sistema proporzionale puro senza premi di maggioranza, all'opposto di quello corrotto e corruttibile Italiano, che hanno intenzione di rendere dittatoriale con la riforma costituzionale. Il governo olandese si farà se si troverà un compromesso nel loro parlamento attraverso eterogenei interessi individuali, Geert Wilders ha poche chances di allearsi e governare, a meno di scendere a forti compromessi con altre forze politiche la cui leader è in completa antitesi alle idee di Olanda portate avanti da Wilders, è mi riferisco alla rifugiata Turco-Curda, gli Olandesi a mio avviso hanno votato per boicottare il loro "status quo" che si protraeva da troppi anni con Rutte, optando per un governo stile pistola a salve. I risvolti sono interessantissimi in chiave Elezioni Europee, questa è una chiara bocciatura per Ursula von der Leyen, ed per la coalizione di centro-destra che la rappresentava. Credo sia arrivato il momento di farsi da parte per Ursula.

It could have been worse, I mean, the Dutch voted strategically, against the system, giving power to nobody. It must be said that the Dutch system is a pure proportional system without majority premiums, as opposed to the corrupt and corruptible Italian one, which they intend to make dictatorial with the constitutional reform. The Dutch government will be formed if a compromise is found in their parliament through heterogeneous individual interests, Geert Wilders has little chance of allying and governing, unless he makes strong compromises with other political forces whose leader is in complete antithesis to the ideas of Holland put forward by Wilders, and I am referring to the Turkish-Kurdish refugee, The Dutch, in my view, voted to boycott their "status quo" that had been going on for too many years under Rutte, opting for a blank pistol-style government. The implications are very interesting in terms of the European elections, this is a clear rejection for Ursula von der Leyen, and for the her center-right coalition. I think it's time for Ursula to step aside.

SCHEVENINGEN, Netherlands — The anti-Islam, Euroskeptic radical Geert Wilders is projected to be the shock winner of the Dutch election. 

With almost all votes counted, in a dramatic result that will stun European politics, his Freedom Party (PVV) is set to win around 37 of the 150 seats in parliament — more than double the number it secured in the 2021 election, according to exit polls.

Frans Timmermans’ Labour-Green alliance is forecast to take second place, winning 25 seats — a big jump from its current 17. Dilan Yeşilgöz, outgoing premier Mark Rutte’s successor as head of the center-right VVD, suffered heavy losses and is on course to take 24 seats, 10 fewer than before, according to early results.


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