Disciplinatha by Cosimo Palermo

Disciplinatha by Cosimo Palermo
Dress the evolution… #fashion #people

Provocative, avant-garde and iconic apparel, art is becoming useful.

lunedì 27 novembre 2023



World of AI is developing so fast that even for me that I've been a kind of pioneer user it's hard to keep me on its track. Anyway they are programs, simple programmed features, very stupid programs at moment, they read things, but they don't get the full picture, they read and modfiy what the programmer taught them, without being able to connect the points or using intelligence. For instance, they can't read collages, they don't understand them, the software is able to read and modify only the code of the main image, without having the capability of detecting external added parts and/or framing the whole sense of the collage. So I still don't see all the media propaganda about the risks humanty is facing through the AI, I still see the higher risks humanity is facing due to our politics representant ignorance.

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